Wednesday 17 December 2014

Happy Hanukkah! Check Out These Celebs Who Converted To Judaism!

no title
This time of year, people celebrate lots of religious holidays, so we wanted to wish some people a happy first day of Hanukkah!
And these people are celebs who have famously converted to Judaism!
Whether it was for love or a sense of belonging, some people like Tom Arnold andIsla Fisher decided to take the leap of faith and convert.
Curious who else is on the list?
CLICK HERE to see the gallery "Celebs Who Converted To Judaism"
CLICK HERE to see the gallery "Celebs Who Converted To Judaism"
CLICK HERE to see the gallery "Celebs Who Converted To Judaism"
CLICK HERE to see the gallery "Celebs Who Converted To Judaism"
CLICK HERE to see the gallery "Celebs Who Converted To Judaism"
[Image via WENN.]

US and Cuba seek to normalise ties

Obama and Castro Obama and Castro met a year ago at the Nelson Mandela funeral

US and Cuba are to start talks to normalise diplomatic ties in a historic shift in relations between the two countries, say US officials.
The US is also looking to open an embassy in Havana in the coming months.
The moves are part of a deal that saw the release of American Alan Gross by Cuba and includes the release of three Cubans jailed in Florida for spying.
US President Barack Obama will later hail the "most significant changes in US policy towards Cuba in 50 years".
Mr Gross, 65, has spent five years behind bars after being accused of subversion, for trying to bring internet services to communities in Cuba.
He earlier left Cuba on a US government plane and was freed on humanitarian grounds.
His arrest and imprisonment had undermined attempts to thaw diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Alan Gross
The three Cubans released in the US are part of the so-called Cuban Five convicted of spying.
Prosecutors said the five had sought to infiltrate US military bases and spied on Cuban exiles in Florida.
Two were recently allowed to return to Cuba after finishing their sentences.
Grey line
Key dates
2001: Five Cubans, dubbed the Cuban Five, are convicted in Miami and given long sentences for spying for the Cuban government. Their case becomes a rallying cry for the Havana government
2008: Raul Castro officially takes over as Cuban president. Washington calls for free and fair elections, and says its trade embargo will remain
Dec 2009: US citizen Alan Gross detained in Cuba accused of spying for Washington
Oct 2011: One of the Cuban Five, Rene Gonzalez, is freed as scheduled from a Florida jail
Dec 2013: US President Barack Obama and Raul Castro shake hands at Nelson Mandela's funeral - the first such public gesture since the 1959 revolution
Feb 2014: The second of the Cuban Five, Fernando Gonzalez, is freed after completing his sentence

17 December 2014: Alan Gross is released by Cuba after five years in captivity

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Pakistan Taliban: Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead

One 13-year-old hospital patient tells the BBC's Shaimaa Khalil "they were firing..I was hiding under a chair"
Militants from the Pakistani Taliban have attacked a school in Peshawar, killing 141 people, 132 of them children, the military say.
Pakistani officials say the attack is now over, with all of the attackers killed. A total of seven militants took part, according to the army.
Scores of survivors are being treated in hospitals as frantic parents search for news of their children.
The attack is the deadliest ever by the Taliban in Pakistan.
There has been chaos outside hospital units to which casualties were taken, the BBC's Shaimaa Khalil reports from Peshawar.
Bodies have been carried out of hospitals in coffins, escorted by crowds of mourners, some of them visibly distraught.
Mourners carry the coffin of a student from a hospital in Peshawar, 16 DecemberCoffins are being carried out of Peshawar hospitals
Empty coffins stacked at a hospital in Peshawar, 16 DecemberEmpty coffins were delivered to a hospital in Peshawar in readiness for the removal of the dead
Relatives comfort injured student Mohammad Baqair in Peshawar, 16 DecemberSchool pupil Mohammad Baqair lost his mother, a teacher, in the attack
A Taliban spokesman told BBC Urdu that the school, which is run by the army, had been targeted in response to army operations.
Hundreds of Taliban fighters are thought to have died in a recent military offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area.
US President Barack Obama condemned the "horrific attack (...) in the strongest possible terms".
Analysis: Aamer Ahmed Khan, BBC News
This brutal attack may well be a watershed for a country long accused by the world of treating terrorists as strategic assets.
Pakistan's policy-makers struggling to come to grips with various shades of militants have often cited a "lack of consensus" and "large pockets of sympathy" for religious militants as a major stumbling-block.
That is probably why, when army chief Gen Raheel Sharif launched what he called an indiscriminate operation earlier in the year against militant groups in Pakistan's lawless tribal belt, the political response was lukewarm at best.
We will get them, was his message, be they Pakistani Taliban, Punjabi Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliates, or most importantly, the dreaded Haqqani network. But the country's political leadership chose to remain largely silent. This is very likely to change now.
BBC map, showing the army school in Peshawar
Relatives wait outside a hospital in Peshawar, 16 DecemberAnxious family members crowded around Peshawar hospitals
Soldiers help evacuate childrenTroops helped evacuate children from the school
Injured student being evacuatedA total of 114 people were injured
Military spokesman Asim Bajwa told reporters in Peshawar that 132 children and nine members of staff had been killed.
All seven of the attackers wore suicide bomb vests, he said. Scores of people were also injured.
It appears the militants scaled walls to get into the school and set off a bomb at the start of the assault.
Children who escaped say the militants then went from one classroom to another, shooting indiscriminately.
One boy told reporters he had been with a group of 10 friends who tried to run away and hide. He was the only one to survive.
Others described seeing pupils lying dead in the corridors. One local woman said her friend's daughter had escaped because her clothing was covered in blood from those around her and she had lain pretending to be dead.
Deadly attacks in Pakistan
Mourners after the Peshawar church attack, 22 September 2013
16 December 2014: Taliban attack on school in Peshawar leaves at least 141 people dead, 132 of them children
22 September 2013: Militants linked to the Taliban kill at least 80 peopleat a church in Peshawar, in one of the worst attacks on Christians
10 January 2013: Militant bombers target the Hazara Shia Muslim minority in the city of Quetta, killing 120 at a snooker hall and on a street
28 May 2010: Gunmen attack two mosques of the minority Ahmadi Islamic sect in Lahore, killing more than 80 people
18 October 2007: Twin bomb attack at a rally for Benazir Bhutto in Karachi leaves at least 130 dead. Unclear if Taliban behind attack
A hospital doctor treating injured children said many had head and chest injuries.
Irshadah Bibi, a woman who lost her 12-year-old son, was seen beating her face in grief, throwing herself against an ambulance.
"O God, why did you snatch away my son?" AFP news agency quoted her as saying.
An injured girl is carried to hospital in Peshawar, 16 DecemberSome of the injured were carried to hospital in people's arms
Children fleeing the schoolBoth girls and boys went to the school
Pakistani troops at the sceneTroops sealed off the area around the school
The school is near a military complex in Peshawar. The city, close to the Afghan border, has seen some of the worst of the violence during the Taliban insurgency in recent years.
Many of the students were the children of military personnel. Most of them would have been aged 16 or under.
Hundreds of parents are outside the school waiting for news of their children, according to Wafis Jan from the Red Crescent
Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani Nobel laureate who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for the right to an education, condemned the attack.
"I, along with millions of others around the world, mourn these children, my brothers and sisters, but we will never be defeated," she said.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has arrived in Peshawar, described the attack as a "national tragedy". Pakistani opposition leader and former cricket captain Imran Khan condemned it as "utter barbarism".
A Taliban spokesman was quoted by Reuters as saying the school had been attacked because the "government is targeting our families and females".
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Oil prices slump

Brent crude one day
Oil prices continue to slide. The benchmark Brent crude price has fallen as low as $58.56 a barrel, before bouncing back to trade at almost $59 a barrel, but still down 3.6% for the session.

Llewelyn-Bowen attraction closed

The Wonderland Walk at The Magical Journey Christmas
A Christmas attraction designed by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen has been shut down after after a financial back pulled out. The Magical Journey attraction posted an apology on its website as well as details of how to get a refund for those who have already bought tickets. The attraction got off to a bit of bad start and had to be closed after just one day due to complaints from parents.

English MPs could veto English laws under home rule plan for 'fairness' after Scotland was handed extra powers

  • Reform plans unveiled today to give English MPs a greater say
  • Pledged after Scotland won new powers in 11th-hour bid to stop UK split
  • They include full ban on Scottish MPs voting on English-only legislation
  • English MPs will also have new powers of veto for English-only laws 

  • English MPs could have the power to veto new laws affecting England under plans to ensure 'fairness' for everyone in the UK.
    William Hague announced the idea is one of three being considered to tackle the issue of English votes for English laws.
    It follows concern that Scottish MPs could have the deciding vote on legislation which only applies south of the border. 
    Leader of the Commons William Hague
    Home rule: The proposals could stop Alex Salmond voting on English-only issues if he is elected as a Westminster MP. Mr Salmond (pictured on the doorstep yesterday) will stand for a seat in May
    Home rule: The proposals by William Hague (left) could stop Alex Salmond voting on English-only issues if he is elected as a Westminster MP. Mr Salmond (right, campaigning yesterday) will stand for a seat in May
    Mr Hague today published the proposals aimed at delivering 'English votes for English laws'.
    Under the most radical option, English MPs would have a separate vote in which they could veto an legislation - forcing the Government either to abandon the proposals or make changes to secure majority support.
    Another option would mean English-only bills would go to an English-only grand committee at second reading and the remaining stages would be governed by a convention that means MPs from other nations would not vote.
    A final option sets out plans that would allow only English MPs to consider the amending stages of legislation that relates only to England but the final vote would be open to all MPs.
    All three proposals would involve Welsh MPs where legislation also relates to Wales.

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    EXCLUSIVE: John Travolta comforts heartbroken Kirstie Alley as her daughter Lillie, 20, mourns for Scientologist fiance killed in horrific motorcycle crash

  • Nick Trela, 23, who was engaged to Kirstie Alley's daughter, died instantly after his motorcycle was sideswiped in Los Angeles
  • Lillie, 20, a Scientologist like her mother, has spent the last weeks in seclusion at Alley's Clearwater compound
  • Both John Travolta and Kelly Preston attended the memorial service for Nick at the Hollywood Scientology Center
  • Nick worked at the Scientology-owned Delphian School in rural Oregon and was best friends with Lillie's 22-year-old brother True.
  • The siblings were adopted by Alley and actor Parker Stevenson as babies

  • Kirstie Alley's daughter Lillie is in mourning over the death of her fiancé Nick Trela.
    Lillie, 20, is so distraught that she has refused to leave her home except to attend a memorial service for 23-year-old Nick Trela at the Hollywood Scientology Center.
    Fellow Scientologist Trela was killed in a motorcycle accident in Los Angeles last month. He died instantly after being sideswiped by a car.
    He and Lillie, who he dated for four years, had been planning their wedding.
    All in the family: Nick Trela (left) was engaged to Kirstie Alley's daughter Lillie (to his right). They are here with mom Kirstie Alley, close friend Kelly Preston, John Travolta's wife, and True Parker, Kirstie's son.
    All in the family: Nick Trela (left) was engaged to Kirstie Alley's daughter Lillie (to his right). They are here with mom Kirstie Alley, close friend Kelly Preston, John Travolta's wife, and True Parker, Kirstie's son.
    Soul mates: 'Nick was her first love,' says a friend of the family. 'They have been dating since she was 16, even living under the same roof. She worries that she will never fall in love again, get married or have children.'
    Soul mates: 'Nick was her first love,' says a friend of the family. 'They have been dating since she was 16, even living under the same roof. She worries that she will never fall in love again, get married or have children.'
    Support system: John Travolta and Kelly Preston were there for Kirstie at the heartbreaking outdoor ceremony for Nick  just before Thanksgiving
    Support system: John Travolta and Kelly Preston were there for Kirstie at the heartbreaking outdoor ceremony for Nick  just before Thanksgiving
    Instead Dancing with the Stars contender Alley led mourners, including Hollywood and Scientology John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston, in a heartbreaking outdoor ceremony just before Thanksgiving. 
    Both are close friends of Alley and have been there for her during this troubling time, say friends.
    Scientology leaders even made a rare exception by allowing Lillie's actor father Parker Stevenson to attend the memorial.
    He left the church after divorcing Alley. Their 15-year marriage ended in 1997.
    Trela grew up near the Church of Scientology's headquarters in Clearwater, Florida.
    He worked at the Scientology-owned Delphian School in rural Oregon and was best friends with Lillie's 22-year-old brother True.
    The siblings, who were adopted by Alley and Stevenson as babies, are devastated over Trela's death.
    Friends fear Lillie will never return to Los Angeles because she is haunted by the tragedy.
    She has spent the last weeks in seclusion at Alley's Clearwater compound.
    'Everyone is very concerned about Lillie,' a friend of the family tells MailOnline.
    'Nick was her first love. They have been dating since she was 16, even living under the same roof.
    'She worries that she will never fall in love again, get married or have children.'
    Kirstie was married to actor Parker Stevenson, who starred in The Hardy Boys, from 1983 to 1997
    Kirstie was married to actor Parker Stevenson, who starred in The Hardy Boys, from 1983 to 1997
    Young love: Lillie was 16 when she met Nick. They were planning their wedding before his death
    Young love: Lillie was 16 when she met Nick. They were planning their wedding before his death

    Scientology leaders made a rare exception by allowing Lillie's father Parker Stevenson to attend the memorial. He left the church after divorcing Alley.
    Cheers actress Kirstie kids around with her children, 12-year-old son True and 10-year-old daughter Lillie, in 2005. The children were adopted by Alley and Parker Stevenson when they were babies
    Cheers actress Kirstie kids around with her children, 12-year-old son True and 10-year-old daughter Lillie, in 2005. The children were adopted by Alley and Parker Stevenson when they were babies
    Trela's friends are also devastated by the tragedy. And one, Kylor Melton, posted a five-minute video online to celebrate his life.
    Featuring film and photographs of Trela with Lillie, Alley and countless friends, the tribute depicts a handsome young man snorkeling, swimming, messing around in the snow and riding his beloved motorbike.
    There are also childhood pictures, shots of his college graduation and vacations around the world.

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