Thursday 11 December 2014

ustralia PM Abbott wants indigenous referendum in 2017

A woman attends a march to protest for aboriginal rights. Photo: November 2014Indigenous Australians represent about 2.5% of Australia's 24 million people
Australian PM Tony Abbott has vowed to "sweat blood" to secure constitutional recognition for indigenous people, saying he wants a referendum in 2017.
But Mr Abbott said he would not rush with the date until he was confident the referendum would succeed.
To be passed, the change must be backed by a majority of people in a majority of Australia's six states.
The constitution currently does not recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the nation's first people.
Unlike in other nations settled by Europeans, such as Canada and New Zealand, Australia's constitution does not mention indigenous people.
In the past few years, there have been discussions about recognising them in a preamble to the constitution, and about changing the main part of the constitution to include a section that outlaws racial discrimination.

Aboriginal Australians represent about 2.5% of Australia's 24 million people. Generations of discrimination and disadvantage have left them with poor health and low levels of education and employment.

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